It’s that time again! I’m really enjoying having Monday nights to plan out what I want to make sure I accomplish for the rest of the week. It really helps me use any free evenings at home and my weekends wisely. Starting this week, I’m going to begin these posts by taking a look back… continue reading
Weekly Wishes #2
Today was a long one! I didn’t get home from work until almost 8pm. Working on my goals for the year and my weekly wishes is going to just get harder as I get into busy season. If anyone who works long hours has any tips for how they keep up with their hobbies or… continue reading
Weekly Wishes #1 // January Goals
Today I’m starting another link-up with The Nectar Collective called Weekly Wishes. I discovered this link-up when exploring Crystal’s blog, Dreams, Etc, one of my new favorite reads. This link-up is an opportunity to talk about the goals I have for the week (and for the month during the first link-up of every month). I think it’s… continue reading