Hi there! I’m Emily. Welcome to my blog!
The Blog
Everyday Accounts is place to find inspiration for your next big adventure (with or without baby in tow!) and for making the most of everyday – even the most simple days at home. If you love adventure and you find joy in simplicity of everyday life, I think you will feel right at home here.
I started Everyday Accounts not really knowing what it would evolve into, but I knew that I needed a creative outlet or a hobby of sorts. In his book Through Painted Deserts: Light, God, and Beauty on the Open Road, Donald Miller writes “We get one story, you and I, and one story alone.” It was always my hope that I could use this space to share both the simple everyday stories as well as the exciting adventure stories and that maybe a few others would listen and be inspired or simply just tag along.
Over time, Everyday Accounts has evolved into a lifestyle and family travel blog. I share about our travels mostly through my Travel With Me series, and I’m always sharing about our everyday lives at home in Austin.

Outer Banks – September 2014
The Blogger
I’m Emily, and I currently live outside of Austin, TX with my husband Daniel, my very active kiddos Carson (3yo) & Caden (1 yo), and my kitty Banana. In December 2014, we moved from the Washington D.C. area back home to Texas because we missed our families and the South. In 2016, two years before Carson was born, we took a 2.5 month backpacking trip around Western Europe that I share all about here. I am a CPA at a Big Four firm three days a week, and the rest of the week I am a stay-at-home mom. In my free-time, I am a reader, food lover, adventurer, and blogger. I cherish books, coffee, rainy days, cuddles with my sons, autumn, Christmas, exploring, Project Life, my planner, and cozy days at home. And above all, I strive to serve my Lord and Savior each day.
I hope you enjoy! Feel free to stick around and say hello!