Welcome to my Scenes From the Month series! In these posts, I share the highlights from my previous month ranging from the simple, everyday things to the more memorable events. One of the primary reasons that I blog is to keep a scrapbook that I can look back on in the future, and these posts help serve that purpose. Now that I have a little boy (with another on the way), everyday moments are extra special!
I have definitely been MIA from the blog the past two months. And, my goodness, how times have changed since then. I don’t want to linger on the devastation of COVID-19 too long on this post, but I do want to acknowledge that it has changed everything about our world in the matter of weeks, and my heart goes out to everyone who is facing hardships of any kind at this time. We are doing well given the circumstances. I think Carson misses his daycare, and we all miss our activities and friends, but with FaceTime, walks in the neighborhood, and attempts at coming up with fun toddler activities, we are getting by just fine.
On the day I’m writing and posting this, I’m scheduled to be induced tomorrow, April 6th. It is a scary time to be giving birth for many reasons, but we are thrilled to meet Baby Boy #2 tomorrow and get safely back home. We have actually had a few hospital visits for blood pressure scares over the past couple weeks. In fact, last Monday, I was all settled in a hospital bed about to be induced when we realized baby had flipped from a head-down position the previous week into a breech position. After a long discussion with the doctors, it was decided that we would go home and give baby a few days to flip back down. I’ve been doing lots of at-home “flipping” exercises, including laying upside down on an ironing board leaned against the couch, and apparently they worked because an ultrasound on Friday confirmed that baby had flipped! I am just praying that he stays that way through tomorrow morning!
I’m going to do this post in a different format, mostly to make it quicker. We just sent Carson to my parents’ house for the week, and I have a few short hours before I’m going to be induced, so I want to make sure to get a very relaxing evening in!
(1) My sister Elizabeth got married at the beginning of February! That wedding was beautiful, and it was a wonderful time seeing out-of-town family and celebrating Elizabeth and Jason. Carson was the ring bearer. Despite busting his forehead right after photos and right before the ceremony, he calmed down and did such a great job!
(2) We celebrated Daniel’s 31st birthday with cake at home (courtesy of NYC’s Milk Bar) and a date night out later that same week.
(3) I was off work on Valentine’s Day, so I was able to take Carson to his daycare’s Valentine’s Day party (where playing with a red balloon was a major hit!), and we surprised him with a few gifts that morning.
(4) We have had lots of playtime with toys and new creations at home, inside and outside!
(5) I had such a good time hosting my other sister Ellen’s wedding shower in Waco at the end of February!
(6) My friend Brittany from Houston came to visit the weekend before we (and most of the world) started social distancing. We had a great time hanging out, taking Carson to a brewery playground, and going to dinner at Tillie’s!
(7) My parents have so graciously given lots of their time to watch Carson as we have been in and out of the hospital the last few weeks.
(8) So many fun things have been canceled, including the early birthday party we had planned for Carson. Here is the invitation we sent out the week before everything started getting canceled.
Not pictured:
- We successfully weaned Carson off the pacifier! This was a major goal I had before Baby Brother arrived.
- We cleared out our garage to make room for our new car.
- We got a three-row SUV, so we are officially a two-car family and have a car that can comfortably fit everyone in.
- We joined a new church small group and started making friends with the people in the group.
A huge focus of March has been squeezing in lots of time with Carson in our final days as a family of three. I had hoped to take him on a fun little final “family of 3” trip, but since that couldn’t happen in the world of COVID-19, we just did a lot of fun things at home. My mom took these photos the day we left for induction (round one) last week, and I love them so much.
Everyone stay safe! I hope to be back soon to introduce baby to all of you. Have a wonderful Easter Week!
{Thanks for reading! Want to know a little more about me? I’m a CPA learning how to balance a career with motherhood and regular travel while planting roots at home in the Austin, TX area. When I’m not exploring my home city with my husband Daniel and baby boy Carson or cuddling with my chubby orange cat Banana, I’m probably either out on a playdate with my son or planning, packing for, traveling to, or daydreaming about our next adventure. After all, my travel mug collection is never complete. If you have wanderlust too, be sure to follow me on Instagram (and InstaStories!), Pinterest, and Facebook, or subscribe to my blog!}