Hello Friends!
It has been entirely too long since I’ve posted in this space. All I can say is my job caught up to me again with long hours, and we have been doing quite a bit of traveling. I believe that since I last posted, I went to Chicago for a work training, DC to visit friends, Waco to visit family and go to Baylor Homecoming, Germany/Austria to visit the Christmas markets, and Dallas/Fort Worth to visit family.
I’m not complaining at all about the travel because I love it, but it has been a year full of very long hours at the office, and while I’m grateful for the opportunities I’ve gotten at work, I am ready for a change. And, boy, is that change happening!
The day after Christmas, Daniel and I are hopping on a plane to London where we will spend a week with my family. After that week, we will begin a two and a half month backpacking trip around Western Europe! We are beyond thrilled for this opportunity. I’m really looking forward to sharing our journey along the way on the blog as well. I hope some of you are still out there to follow along!
Once we return from the big trip, I’ll be resuming work at my current company, but it will be on a reduced hours schedule.
That’s all I have to share right now! I hope to catch up on travel posts a little bit before the big journey begins, but we have lots of time planned with family this week, so no guarantees.
I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!