Part one of my trip to Texas was spent mostly with my family in Waco. Part two of my trip to Texas was mostly dedicated to wedding preparations and celebrations for my high school friend Shannon. Here are some pictures and captions of the wedding weekend!

Bachelorette Party time at Joe T’s!

High school friend reunion

The entire bridal party!

Back at the house where we stayed, the living room and kitchen were decorated with fun, girly decorations, including a giant MRS balloon.

Friday brunch at Mimi’s Cafe, a favorite of mine

At the rehearsal dinner. Note the adorable picture of the bride and groom in the background!

The morning of the wedding, we gave Shannon a scrapbook with pages of pictures and notes from each bridesmaid.

I don’t have permission to snatch any of the photos of the wedding taken by Shannon’s photographer, but I did take a picture of her bridal portrait so that I could share how beautiful she looked! She was a stunning bride.

Pappadeux’s after the wedding with a big group of high school friends. This is me, Becca, Jennifer, and Kim.
That takes us through Saturday! Unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures the rest of our time in Texas. On Sunday, we spent the whole day with Daniel’s family celebrating Fathers’ Day, and Monday we both worked in the morning, packed our bags, and flew home. Unfortunately, our flight was delayed and Daniel’s bag was lost, so the trip didn’t end on a high note. BUT Daniel’s bag was returned to us today, and we have wonderful, wonderful memories from the weekend.